Editorial Questionnaire

It would be best if you could provide as much accurate information as possible by filling out the form to the best of your ability. Your cooperation in providing complete and precise details would help us ensure that we can meet your needs efficiently and effectively.

Personal/Company Information

Document Details

Content Specifics

Tone of voice

Media Releases

Editing Specifics

- Proofreading (checking for typos, grammatical errors, punctuation, etc.)

- Structural (reviewing and revising the organization and flow of content)

- Content overhaul (significant rewriting and restructuring)

- Copyediting (checking for consistency, clarity, style, and tone)

- Technical editing (ensuring accuracy in specialized or technical documents)

- Developmental editing (working on the overall content, structure, and style from an early draft or even just an idea)

- Fact-checking (verifying data, references, and claims in the document)

- Line editing (a deep dive into the document's language, focusing on flow, readability, and clarity)

- Substantive or comprehensive editing (a combination of most of the above, involving a thorough review of content, structure, clarity, and style)

Visual Elements

Additional Information

Deadlines & Deliverables

Form Completion Evaluation - Feedback

Thank you for providing this information. The more details you offer, the better aligned the final product will be with your vision and needs. If there are any additional elements or changes along the way, please keep the lines of communication open.