Maya Bodnick, a student at Harvard University, conducted an experiment to determine if GPT-4, an AI language model, was capable of passing college exams in the humanities and social sciences. Bodnick had GPT-4 write seven essays on topics such as economic concepts, presidentialism in Latin America, and a literary analysis. She then submitted the essays to professors for grading, without revealing whether they were written by herself or GPT-4.
The results were impressive, with GPT-4 receiving grades ranging from A to B-. It achieved an average GPA of 3.57, which Bodnick called “respectable.” She noted that GPT-4 wrote all the essays based on the given prompts.
Bodnick disclosed that she submitted GPT-4’s answers without any edits, but with two exceptions. First, she combined multiple responses to meet the word count requirement, as GPT-4 could only generate up to 750 words at a time. Second, she asked the evaluators to disregard any missing citations that GPT-4 couldn’t provide, which would normally be essential for academic work.
The evaluators praised GPT-4’s essays, commenting on their clarity, well-structured arguments, and detailed analysis. Only one essay received a lower grade, with the evaluator noting a flowery writing style and a lack of consideration for positive aspects of presidentialism and economic factors.
Bodnick believes that GPT-4’s performance suggests AI-generated essays could receive favorable grades at most universities, though possibly lower at institutions such as Princeton or UC Berkeley. She suggests that AI technology could revolutionize the teaching and learning methods in the humanities and social sciences. Cheating on essays has become easier, and with advancements in technology, including citation capabilities, it may become even more challenging to detect plagiarism.
As for the future, Bodnick questions the effectiveness of text detection systems, as OpenAI’s detector was withdrawn due to accuracy issues. She suggests that exams should involve personal conversations to mitigate concerns about AI writing essays. The fact that GPT-4 passed her exams hints at potential developments in Bodnick’s future field.professional field.
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