Yellow crazy ant males have two sets of DNA

Multicellular organisms typically develop from a single cell into a collection of cells that all have the same genetic material. A research team now discovered a deviation from this developmental hallmark in the yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes. Males are chimeras of haploid cells from two divergent lineages: R and W. R cells are overrepresented in the males’ somatic tissues, whereas W cells are overrepresented in their sperm. Chimerism occurs when parental nuclei bypass syngamy and divide separately within the same egg. When syngamy takes place, the diploid offspring either develops into a queen when the oocyte is fertilized by an R sperm or into a worker when fertilized by a W sperm. This study reveals a mode of reproduction that may be associated with a conflict between lineages to preferentially enter the germ line.

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